Good Day For A Vacay!

Hi Darling!

Are you starting to feel a bit stir crazy these days? We sure are!

I don’t know about you, but some days I just find myself in a bad mood and I have to snap out of it and remind myself of all the things I have to be grateful for. I am incredibly thankful for my family’s health, the roof over our heads, my husband by my side throughout my entire pregnancy with Noah including all the doctor appointments and labor, our church community for welcoming us with wide-open arms into their family and their continuous love and support, Phil’s job, and most importantly Phil’s health and safety while he is on the frontline. But I do miss all of our friends and family, I am bummed out I didn’t get to do all the things I imagined I would do over my maternity leave, sad my sister and her fiancé had to cancel their trip to come to visit us from New Zealand, and the list goes on. Although it sucks right now, I know the majority of what is put to a halt can still happen and are only temporarily postponed. When we look back on 2020, this will be a short period of time in the big picture.

So, after three months of quality time at home, we decided we needed to get out of these four walls for a change of scenery and could use some fresh air to recharge. We booked a five-day vacation to Bass Lake and it was exactly what we needed! Typically, my idea of a vacation is staying at a nice hotel/resort, lounging by the pool or beach, dining out, and not thinking twice about being near other people. Vacationing looks a lot different these days and definitely took some planning leading up to our trip. To some, it may have looked like we took our entire house with us (If you have a baby, you know all that baggage those little humans need!), but all the packing lists I had going in Excel were so worth it because it allowed us to relax and enjoy the lake without stressing about COVID-19 and all the concerns that come with a pandemic.

We rented a cabin at the Pines Resort to avoid having to go into a hotel with others, planned out all of our meals for the week, purchased our groceries ahead of time, had all the cleaning supplies, and we were stocked with hand sanitizer and masks. There was nothing fancy about our trip, but we all had the best time and it will definitely be a memory we hold on to. I loved watching Evelyn play in the yard in her pjs, going on boat rides, swimming and tubing with both Evelyn and Noah, hiking in the Sierras, eating PB&Js every day and grilling out every night, staying up late drinking wine, sharing stories with my parents, and playing bulzibucket for endless hours!

So, if you are contemplating taking a vacation during COVID-19, a social distancing trip is possible and it can be done safely! I’ll share below the meals we made that were super easy and delicious along with some of the items I purchased to prep for our trip with the babies.

Meals for the Week

Items Purchased

This vacation reminded me to enjoy the slower pace, vacations do not need to be fancy, and so much joy can be found in the simple things that I typically take for granted. I hope you’re hanging in there and finding ways to recharge during all this craziness!



P.S. we forgot to bring a lighter for the grill so be sure to pack one if you take a trip similar to ours!
